The Pre-primary to Year 10 Western Australian Curriculum provides a coherent and comprehensive set of prescribed content and achievement standards which schools use to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents. All of our Teaching, Learning and Assessment at Corrigin District High School aligns with the Western Australian Curriculum's 8 Learning Areas:
Health and Physical Education
Humanities and Social Sciences
The Arts
We maintain a strong focus and time commitment to the development of Literacy and Numeracy, particularly in our Early Childhood classes, where solid foundations for future learning must be laid. The Early Years Learning Framework and National Quality Standard also provide strong guidance in our Early Childhood classes.
Corrigin DHS offers a specialist Science program for Years 3-10, and we are well equipped with a dedicated Science Laboratory. We are uniquely positioned to offer a dual Languages program with students experiencing both Noongar and Japanese in the junior years, before selecting one language to study from Year 3. We offer a whole school specialist Physical Education Program and offer a range of elective courses including Music from Kindy to Year 10 and in the secondary classes, the Bushrangers Cadet Program, Woodwork, Home Economics and Drama.