Open Classroom

Our annual open classroom evening for parents and carers.

Open Classrooms were held on Thursday 17th October. Thanks so much to all parents and family members that came in to look at their students work, I know our students were very proud to show off the wonderful things they have been doing. A huge thank you to our teachers who work tirelessly all year round to provide an exciting learning environment for their students.

This year we had 3 extra activities for students:

  • Digital Microscopes in the K/PP with Miss O
  • VR Head Sets in Room 1 with Miss L
  • GEM activities in Room 5 with Miss Zis

By attending each of these activities, students were given a raffle ticket. The winners were drawn at this weeks Monday Meeting, and the winners received a voucher for the Mallee Tree Café. Congratulations to Harlow Bootsma, Indiana Bootsma and Leila Connelly.